Mikros Animation is delighted to share that Orion and The Dark, animated in our Paris and Bangalore studios, has been nominated for Best Animated TV Movie at the 2024 Astra Awards.
Did you miss the live broadcast? Here's the replay of the Master Animation on 3D processes!
This year, Mikros Animation is proud to announce that three of its contents have been selected by the experts at SIGGRAPH 2024.
"Et Le Scénario" is a podcast produced by the Cité Européenne des Scénaristes, presented and edited by Baptiste Rambaud. Every fourth Sunday, a different audiovisual trade talks ab
In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Anil Sam, the Senior Supervisor behind the captivating animation of Star Trek: Prodigy
We are pleased to present this Mikroscope interview with Guillaume Gilbaud, Rigging Supervisor at Mikros Animation in Montreal.
If you open the June/July issue of Animation Magazine, you'll find a testimonial from Adrianna Cohen, Mikros Animation's Global Head of Production.
MPC Visualization in Los Angeles handled some of the critical 3rd act Previs for DreamWorks' animated film Orion and The Dark.
As season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy readies for its 1 July release on Netflix worldwide, discover the team behind the stunning characters and settings of the Star Trek universe.
Are you ready for the latest episode of Master Animation with Mikros? The fourth edition of the masterclass series dedicated to exploring the intricacies of animation is here!
Pascal Burtin shares insights into his career journey, inspirations, and personal achievements in this interview.
The trailer for Season 3 of Legend of Hanuman, exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar in Singapore, Australia, and India, promises an epic adventure with stunning visuals.