Cartoon Brew sat down with Charmatz in Annecy, where he gave us the scoop on his upcoming film. Joining him in the video are Orion’s production designer Tim Lamb and art director Christine Bian. During the conversation, Charmatz told us that he was thrilled to be working with a script from Oscar-winning screenwriter Kaufman. Knowing he had such a strong foundation to build on, the director explained that his team made as few changes as possible to the original script.
According to Charmatz, “We all saw it as our job to basically not touch as much as we could, leave Charlie’s writing as much as we could. We wanted to add more physical stakes. To me, it was mostly about the stakes being really clear. [It was] about what the characters wanted and making sure the audience felt that… The rest was Charlie making an incredible script for us.”
Follow the link for the exclusive video, and to read more about Mikros’ involvement in Orion HERE.